How we came up with our name

 Oasis and Glacier is a name we came up with together that combines geologic features from two places that are special to us both. 

Oasis represents Della, since she was born and raised down in the desert of Southern California and has a deep connection to the landscape there. An Oasis is a special place where water can be found amongst the otherwise arid landscape, it holds significant meaning and provides refuge for desert dwellers. She will always feel at home in a desert

35mm film image of a local Oasis taken by Della

Glacier is meant to represent Scobie, as part of his heritage is from the Indigenous Tlingit tribe from South-West Alaska. He spent much of his life disconnected from this part of his ancestry as he grew up in the foster care system and was raised by the Filipino-Irish side of his family. In the past few years he has begun to reconnect with his indigenous roots and presently works with a non-profit that is helping to mitigate climate change and bring food security to the Indigenous people of Alaska by way of ancestral foods such as kelp and salmon. 

35mm film image taken of a Glacier in Alaska by Scobie

Oasis and Glacier is also meant to represent the breadth of the travel we hope to do together in our trailer. Going all the way from the Oases of the American desert, where our trip began, and eventually make our way all the way up to the Glaciers of Alaska. One of our goals for the time we spend traveling is to eventually drive to Alaska and visit the Tlingit people’s ancestral land, so we can go to the place Scobie’s grandfather was from and spend sometime taking it all in.